Friday, October 21

Another Of these Quizzy thingys

just to pass the time ,,,, I cant work cos I have a splitting headache , so i go around and pick up stupid things like these ... which are randomly computer generated to my randomly picked answers and which never be more farther to truth than the North Pole is to the South :p

Korn song
You are "Counting on me" by Korn. After
being used for so long and always taking the
blame when something goes wrong you're starting
to loose it.

Which of the rock songs that I like are you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Dreamless, Empty, Maybe because of a bitter
relationship that ended Cruely and Broke your
heart and left your soul with nothing as it
incinerated your ablity to dream and feel
emotion or Life gave you Nothing But Crap. You
had Dreams once, but either they were too
unrealistic Or People around you put them down,
until eventually they broke, but as it remains
you have No dreams you either wish you had
dreams or you don't because your so Terrified
that they will be destroyed again. Dreams are
Hopes, and That's what Life Is Built upon is
Hope, so just regain your Hope in Life and your
Dreams Will return

What is the Dream you Yearn for In this World?
brought to you by Quizilla

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