Friday, December 19

hang on

I know I know Ive left this only space that I can call truly mine, hanging in the webs (teehee - such a PJ no?) but hang in there guys, life's a roller coaster presently. Will update you on every millisecond of my life that happened after the last post. (too boring? okay - I will give you hazy wispy sketchy outlines filled with dark humor and sarcasm of the above mentioned time period)

until then, think about the poor gurkhas who have it tough in the job market - what with all the competition from out of work investment bankers hunting for a job that gives them money.


Uma said...

Pls write something soon!!!We are all ears ..oops all eyes :-)

Phoenix said...

Ok. Hung on..

JustSo said...

@ uma - wish granted

@ Phoenix - well hung? (tee hee)(dirty me .. aint I?)